Learn How to Be Quiet
My Wife Journal #12 
 @3:34p.m 07/29/2023 

         The way that I have been learning daily is really surprising to me to say the least. I tend to be a fast learner especially if I am interested in learning. However, as of lately, the test I have gone through, the situations I have been in has really shown me very quickly how to be in the position that I am in, when it comes to my life. This place of my life is quiet with a sound peace. We have to remember that God does not give us a spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind. And for that matter, I have been able to embrace just that. What it means to have a sound mind despite, any circumstance, situation, or what we would call a setback in our fleshly way of thinking. 

    I don’t look at what it looks like because that is not what faith looks like. I tell you what, just the other night I was deep in prayer, and God gave me a quickening to my spirit about the position of the church and showed me that most of us don’t have enough faith or none at all. Most of us, are not equipped to go through the trying of times, without giving up or giving in to the snares of the enemy, because we are to consumed with what a situation looks like. I say that because, in this vision, God showed me that it is going to come a time which most of us know, that we will not be able to normally walk in a grocery store, go to a job, or even hang out freely, sooner than we can even imagine. And when this time comes, there are going to be so many people that will give into accepting the mark in order to buy, sell, or distribute because faith was not a practice in most peoples life in this day and age. And in this vision, God was showing me how He has been preparing me to not be consumed by the looks of anything and that faith is the substance of things hoped, for the things not seen. Now, how are we to determine how to live our lives when it comes to walking by faith and not by sight, will truly be determined by if you’re really living your life how God has called you to live your life. 

        I would ask myself some key questions to determine this: 
 A few would be: Am I living my life as a living sacrifice holy unto the Messiah? 
Do I know what my purpose is in life? When situations arise that look terrible am I giving it to the most high or do I stress, and worry about it and let it consume my everyday walk? 
Am I walking in righteousness and true obedience? 

    If you can answer any of these questions with a confident “YES” then you are on the right track of what it means to walk by faith and not by sight. What I will say, is that it is not easy to walk by faith, when you don’t know how certain things will get paid especially in the beginning of your faith journey, but over time it will become easy to deal with, because you will see how the Lord will lead you out of each situation the more you tend to surrender your burden unto him. I find this to be reassuring each time because when you give praises unto the Most high you’ll find yourself in solace with answered prayers. 

    Isn’t God faithful to his obedient children? He most definitely is! So with that said, it is very important that we know what it means to be silent even in a frustrating situation. That doesn’t mean to stop praying, but when it looks bad, and doesn’t feel good, doesn’t mean to be negative and speak negatively. It means to be quiet and continue to praise his name despite the looks of anything. This also means that there are going to be times where we all experience those that want to be negative and gossip or spread rumors or be out of order with the Holy spirit. And we have to understand is that, our tongue is like a weapon. When it states in the Bible that our tongue is like an unruly evil than take heed to the that because our tongue can either speak life or death to a situation. So, what that means in broken down terminology is that we have the power alone in just our tongue to speak things into existence negatively or positively and on top of that don’t let you be a person with a lot of power and authority in the spiritual realm and you have the ability to move mountains. 

    So we have to be very careful in what we say, how we say it and our motives in what we exuberate in the atmosphere. I most definitely had to learn this, of course the hard way, but the reality of it all is that I learned. Now I will say I am not perfect by no means, but I am learning what it means to be quiet when either a situation doesn’t look good, or things are said or done in hopes of a negative response from my behalf. It takes time because this also is apart of having the fruit of the spirit which is called self-control. Self-control is a major attribute to have when walking with Christ, because most of us are tried, but overtime we are strive to be overcomers over negativity and walk in true purity daily. 

     This journey of life, is not always easy, but when we walk with the Lord he makes it so much more peaceful. I started this journal in hopes of speaking to my future husband, and somehow has turned into speaking to the mass as a whole, but either way my prayer is that anyone who reads these words will know the truth and find ways on how they can be different in their walk and see anything that may need to be changed in your own life. Although I am far from perfect, I do continue to find ways of being able to improve in my own walk daily and if I didn’t want anyone to know what was going on in my life than trust and believe I would not put it out there for the world or even those that know me to see it. In essence, be blessed and stay true to the Most High. 

 Your Wife